Thursday, August 2, 2012
Aura Azul's first live EP announced.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Beyond the Doors of Time Reviewed 9/10 Mundo Rock Chile.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Interview with Aura Azul's Hommy Torres at Colombia's The Blues Inception.

Un saludo muy especial para ti Amigo Hommy, en primera instancia me encantaria que le contaras a los lectores de The Blues Inception, de forma breve, como se inicio este proyecto llamado Aura Azul, Saludos Amigo y saludo a todos mis amigos que me leen en todas partes del mundo. El concepto de Aura Azul se forma en 1993 bajo el nombre de Prowler wraith, en el 1994 la banda se separa por que llega la era grunge y los muchachos de aquel entonces se movieron a esa guaguita y era dificil buscar musicos para hacer Heavy Metal, y lo dificultaba mucho mas el que todavia no llegaba el internet,asi que nos limitabamos a amistades y personas de los trabajos o la universidad, 10 anos mas tarde Raul mi hermano y buen amigo me dice, que resutiraramos el proyecto, y asi lo hicimos, empezamos a componer y a hacerle arreglos a la musica que ya teniamos y basicamente asi nace Aura Azul en el 2003.
2. Hablando de esto ultimo, ¿que es lo que significa Aura Azul?Es el matiz propio del cielo. El azul representa la inspiración, es el color espiritual. Su poder y significado espirituales se conocen desde hace mucho tiempo. En los países orientales se acostumbraba colocar objetos de color azul en las tumbas para alejar a los males espíritus. En China y Japón es el color de la Fortuna. Hay azules que representan la mayor de las capacidades intuitivas y azules que indican la más profunda melancolía. La presencia de mucho azul en el aura significa una naturaleza artística y armoniosa, así como comprensión espiritual. Es el rayo de la Luna y siempre se le ha asociado con el aspecto femenino. EI azul figuro de manera prominente en los templos a Isis en el antiguo Egipto,Y de ahi es que sale el nombre de la banda con el cual nos identificamos mas con un poco de historia sobre el significado.
For the complete interview click here. INTERVIEWTuesday, May 22, 2012
Interview with Hommy Aura Azul Guitars in Australia's The Metal Review
Hi Hommy! Tell us how did the band form?
First Hello to all our friends in The Metal Review and reading this around the world!
The band formed in 1993 and we formed as most bands do, we were 5 young guys that wanted to play Metal and instead of going to church on Sundays we gathered in our garage and played some tunes of bands we like, we played Maiden, WASP, Helloween, Priest, King Diamond just for fun, then we decided to begin writing songs and then we began to progress as a full band, we picked up a name that was “Prowler Wraith” and so our long journey started, getting us to record a demo in 1994. Later the band split up during the grunge era and came back in 2003 recording a demo in 2007, our first full length in 2010, and our latest production “Beyond the doors of time” 2012.
What was your first concert experience? Do you remember how you felt when you were done performing?
Yeah! Aura Azul’s first concert was in the Puerto Rico’s Metal fest 2005, hosted by Dantescos/Omen singer Eric Labestia, the place was crowded at capacity and we were like hell yeah! That’s what we are here for! Once we finished the performance it was like when you are exercising a high intensity routine and then you calm down, all that hype inside your body, well sort of like that haha. When we got down we got many compliments and many people asking us for recorded material, which sadly we didn’t have at that time.
For the complete interview click the link.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Beyond The Doors of Time Reviewed 19/20.
" this album is fun, enjoyable, and above all entertaining. No matter what band, no matter what genre you normally listen to, give this album a listen. If there was a top score here on The Metal Review, this album would come damn close."
Aura Azul is clearly one of the best metal acts from Puerto Rico and this album proves it,they sound hungry,sharp and heavy,They come very recommended for fans of Iron Maiden,Merciful Fate,Helloween and Primal Fear.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
New Single "Beyond the Doors of Time" Free Download.
The album is going to be available this February in digital format at the Aura Azul store,iTunes ect,ect,and in CD format This April.
This is our way to say thanks to all of you,our friends all over the world,but remember,we are an independent band,not a high budget big label product from the industry,we need your support to continue with this stuff that we love,as soon as the album is available if you like it please support Aura Azul.
Rise your horns always!
The band.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Interview with Hommy and Edgar by JC River.
JC River: How has been the success after the first Aura Azul album?
Hommy: Its been huge,after the album doors were opened for us in other countries like Argentina,Colombia,Ecuador,Peru,USA and Japan where it sold out in a month or so,it also gave us the chance to open for Iron Maiden,and the first album was the one that went to the Iron Maiden management and so they picked us.
Edgar: It brought us the Iron Maiden gig,we were scheduled for a US tour,at least that was the stuff i felt the most.
JC River: What are the changes that have occurred in the band since the first record as of today?
Hommy: Musically almost none,we continue with our main focus and style when composing,the only change i could point out is that we are more linked as a band,as of band members,the drummer and the other lead guitar are not in the band,But Moe(recent guitar player) was a spiritual member because he was to be in the band for the first record,but for some reasons he didn't,he did recorded the second solo in "Maestro de la oscuridad" thou.
Edgar: There has been some line up changes,but the original line up is together again,we have grown up musically as a band,and that will show on our next album,everyone is a better musician now,we hope that you will notice it in our next album
JC River: How are the preparations of the second album of Aura Azul?
Hommy: As of now we are in the mastering process,the album is called "Beyond the doors of time" and it should be out by February 2012 in digital format,and April in CD format,the title track was released on January 5 and it made the top 50 in MTVs ourstage,its currently charting at #23.
Edgar: Its coming along great,we are almost done,there are going to be fast song,there will be heavy songs,"soft" songs,you will be impressed.
JC River: Why was the reason for a Maiden tribute album and what were the motives?
Hommy: Nothing in particular,just because we wanted,and obviously because its the greatest Heavy Metal band ever,we don't limit ourselves about stuff we want to do,we are all Maiden fans in Aura Azul,we had that idea prior to playing with them here in San Juan,and after that we felt it was the moment,and we did.
Edgar: We had always shared our love for Iron Maiden,and if we were going to tribute a band it should be Them ,and now was the time,and we did.
JC River: When will be on sale the Iron Maiden tribute album?
Hommy: The album is available now for free,you can access our web page and download it for free,as a gift for our friends that have supported us all this time,and the ones that are supporting us now.
JC River: What songs are in the album,and why?
Edgar: Each of us choosed a song,and we also wanted to make a non typical maiden album with all theirs hits.
Hommy:The setlist consist of some obscure songs and some hits,our favorites in any case,Sea of Madness,dejavu,Infinite dreams,but also aces high,hallowed be thy name ect ect ect.
JC River: Why the name "Tributo a la doncella de hierro" (tribute to iron maiden in english)?
Edgar: Por que somos Boricuas,period.
Hommy:Nuff said.
JC River: What are the future plans of the band locally and internationally.
Edgar: Same as always,we want to take our music as far as possible,latin america,asia europe USA,share our music worldwide and play.
JC River: In the first album all songs were in spanish except for the English version of Gladiators,can we expect the same for the new album?
Edgar: In this record we decided all songs to be in English,to get a more wide audience,and to tell the truth the music is coming along very good,
and so the lyrics,we are very pleased with that.
JC River: What can we expect from Aura Azul and what do you expect in the next years to come?
Edgar: you can expect the band to continue grow,more presentations,music will get better as so we as musicians,we will continue to make music
with all our heart and dedications that will have always will.